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HOW DO I TRANSITION MY DOG OR CAT FROM KIBBLE TO RAW?When switching to raw we recommend switching over cold turkey. Fast your dog for 12-24 hours. Start with a poultry protein such as chicken, turkey or duck. Serve only half the serving for the first meal at room temperature. We recommend to stick on the same protein for 5-7 days, if your dog’s tummy is happily settled on this then you can move to include other proteins.
HOW MANY DIFFRENT PROTEINS SHOULD I FEED?As many as possible! Variety is the spice of life. We always strive for 4 different types to offer a varied diet, but there is really no definitive answer. Some pets are limited through allergies and a balance of vitamins and minerals can be found from just one or two meats. If your pet has no allergies it is very easy to achieve a wide range of protein sources.
CAN I FEED MY PET PART KIBBLE, PART RAW?"Raw bone requires a more acidic stomach than kibble. If kibble is fed alongside raw then the acid may be weaker and cause tummy upsets from undigested bone. One of the reasons why it is safe to feed raw meat to our pets is because raw moves through the digestive system quicker than kibble, if dry food is fed also, the digestion overall is slowed down which may give bacteria a chance to affect your pet.
MY VET TOLD ME NOT TO FFED RAW, WHY?"Traditionally vets get little or no nutritional training whilst studying. once qualified and working in a veterinary practice, the main source of training is provided by pet food manufacturers who want vets to resell their food in the waiting room! Things are changing though, and an increasing amount of vets are beginning to support the idea of feeding fresh, unprocessed food. Always supervise feeding. Wash hands and clean surfaces after handling.
IS RAW MEAT SAFE FOR MY DOG?Raw is a species appropriate diet for our dogs, cats, ferrets and more. They are designed to eat meat historically and their digestive systems have remained unchanged, dogs digestion is the same as that of wolves. the stomach acid is much more acidic, killing bacteria, also the digestion of raw meat is very quick, so any bacteria does not get chance to take hold as it quickly passes through the digestive system.
MY PET DOESNT DRINK AS MUCH WATER SINCE STARTING ON RAW, IS THIS NORMAL?"Meat by nature is around 60-70% moisture. so it’s natural your pet won’t be desperately trying to quench it’s thirst like it would after a bowl of dry biscuits! This means the chance of kidney and bladder problems will be reduced as your pets will be flushing out their systems with all the extra water that is naturally in their food.
HOW MUCH DO I FEED MY PUPPY?8-10 weeks | 10% – split into 4 meals 10-16 weeks | 8% – split into 3 meals 16-20 weeks | 7% – split into 3 meals 20-24 weeks | 6% – split into 3 meals 24-36 weeks | 5% – can go down to 2 meals a day if they seem ready to manage without lunch 36 weeks – 1 year old | 4% – split into 2 meals If fully grown by one year | gently reduce to 2.5% daily If still growing | feed at 3.5% until maturity and then 2.5% The above is just a guide, every dog is different and has differing energy levels/metabolism. Puppies should not be chubby, excess weight on growing joints is not desirable, keep them lean. Special care should be taken with feeding bone with puppies, too much calcium is not ideal for growing bones. Therefore we always recommend feeding core minces with if you wish only the occasional edible bone max once a week (poultry wings/necks/carcass) for mental stimulation and teeth cleaning! feed as much variety as possible to help your pup have the best possible nutrition to aid growing healthily – 4 different meats or more to cover all the lovely different vitamins and minerals each meat has to offer.

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